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EALL Major/Minor satisfying courses

Chinese major/minor satisfying courses

Language and Flagship

Fall Winter Spring
CHN301 CHN302 CHN303
CHN399 CHN399 CHN399
CHN420 CHN421 CHN422
CHN455 CHN455 CHN455

Culture, literature, film, and linguistics

CHN 152: Introduction to Chinese Popular Culture
CHN 305: History of Chinese Literature (Early)

CHN 151: Introduction to Chinese Film
CHN 306: History of Chinese Literature (Medieval)
CHN 480: Chinese Linguistics
CHN 407: Seminar Chinese Linguistics

CHN 150: Intro to CHN Narrative
CHN 307: History of Chinese Literature (Modern)
CHN 452: Chinese Film Seminar
CHN 482: History of Chinese Language

Japanese major/minor satisfying courses

Language courses

Fall Winter Spring
JPN301 JPN302 JPN303
JPN411 JPN412 JPN413
JPN414 JPN415 JPN416
JPN434 JPN435 JPN436

Culture, literature, film, and linguistics courses

JPN 305: Introduction to Japanese Literature I
*JPN 410: Japanese Grammar
*JPN 410: Contemporary Japanese Fiction and Film

JPN 199 Language, media, and identity
JPN 306: Introduction to Japanese Literature II
*JPN 425: Writing Empire – Lai

JPN 199: Japanese in Music
JPN 307: Introduction to Japanese Literature III – Freedman
*JPN 399: Pronunciation – Idemaru
*JPN 399: Ghosts and Monsters – Lai
*JPN 410: Modern Japan – Freedman
**JPN 455: Japanese Business Culture

* Satisfies Major elective requirement for both Language- and Culture-intensive major options
** Satisfies Major elective requirement for Language-intensive major option

Korean minor satisfying courses

Languages courses

Fall Winter Spring
KRN301 KRN302 KRN303

Culture, Literature, Film, and Linguistics courses

* KRN 410 Colonialism and Nationalism (Lim)

KRN 315 Introduction to Korean Linguistics (Kwon)
KRN 361 Korean Popular Culture and Transnationalism (J Kim)
* KRN 410 Gender and Sexuality (J Kim)

KRN 309 Languages and Cultural Formation in Korea (Kwon)
EALL407 EA Psycholinguistics (Kwon)
EALL 410 Culture of Protest (J Kim)
* KRN 410 North Korea (J Kim)

* These courses are approved for AY 19-20 as satisfying Korean minor in addition to those that are already included (KRN 309, 315, 361).